Conserving dental care


Composite or Esthetic Fillings
With the decline in the use of amalgams by dentists, over 80% over the fillings created today are composed of resin or synthetic composite materials. Composite fillings are made up of acrylic and glass particles, and contain no mercury or other metals. The filling material is white or matched to the color of your teeth and has a very natural appearance.


First, the dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth to be filled. Next, a drill will be used to remove the decayed area. Once the decay has been removed, the space for the filling will be prepared by cleaning the cavity of bacteria and debris. After that, the tooth-colored material is applied in layers. Next, a special light that "cures" or hardens each layer is applied. When the multilayering process is completed, the composite material will be shaped to the desired result, trim off any excess material, and the final restoration will be polished.



Inlays / onlays / overlays

3aDental inlays and onlays are a medium between dental crowns and fillings. They are implicated on teeth at the back of the mouth that has suffered a moderate level of decay. Not only this, but inlays and onlays can also be placed on teeth that have undergone some fracturing; more serious damage will probably be resolved with a dental crown.
The two main types of inlays and onlays are made from resin or porcelain. It is also not uncommon to see gold versions. This type of dental product is bonded into place around the cusps. Onlays are used to cover one cusp or more, whereas dental inlays tend to be used more as a filling between the cusps. This area is vulnerable to damage due to chewing and so is often prone to fracturing.

3bThe inlays and onlays must be moulded perfectly to the size and shaped of the individual teeth that require the product.
At the first the damaged part of the tooth will be extracted. Then the part of the tooth that is remaining will be carefully shaped to ensure that the inlay or onlay will be able to stick. This shaped tooth provides the model for an impression to be made. A gum will be put inside your mouth so the dentist can make a mould of the tooth shape as well as your bite. This mould is an exact replica of your mouth so the inlays and onlays can be perfectly constructed in the laboratory.


After that the actual application of the inlay or onlay onto the necessary teeth will be involved. The inlay or onlay is carefully positioned so it matches the exact shape of the tooth. Once in position the inlay or onlay will permanently binded onto the tooth. This inlay/onlay is then polished.


Root treatment

With root canal treatment is it possible to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it.

4bBeneath the hard tooth tissues, there is dental pulp that contains veins, nerves, and connecting tissue. Root treatment is usually required by an internal inflammation called pulpitis, or gangrene, or deep parodontal infection. These occur, bacteria proliferate in the tooth channel and its wall. During the treatment, the infected content and tooth channel wall are removed, the space is sterilised as much as possible, and the entire root channel is filled with a material that ensures the lasting closing of the channel.



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